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Good News Stories

Tue, 23/04/2024 - 12:40

Catch up on the latest good news stories, events to watch out for and new offerings from our tenants and members and as they continue to produce fresh work and branch out into exciting new areas.  


Dice Ideas 

Dice Ideas recently shipped a custom piece of dice art to country singer and 2005 American Idol winner Carrie Underwood. The piece was shipped over 5,000 miles to the Resorts World Theatre, a 5,000-capacity venue that’s home to all ‘Reflection’ shows where the singer is currently in residence at Resorts World, Las Vegas. The resort’s roll of the bones has paid off in Underwood’s “Reflection” production. Knowing this, officials from AEG Presents presented Underwood with the portrait of 6,400 dice for the singer's 41st Birthday. The piece is now installed in the Resorts world property as part of their gallery there. Now the guys have a wholoe new reason to visit Las Vegas!


Linda Dent-Mitchell  

Linda has been experimenting with creating a collection of limited-edition prints, allowing for some of her lesser-known digital artworks to garner more attention as well as allowing for more affordability for those who are interested in buying and collecting artwork. Linda plans to expand her current collection with a selection of coloured mounts as well as creating a boutique collection with hand finished sparkle embellishments to elaborate on her ‘signature’ style. 

Linda has also had Certificates of Authenticity made for both her limited edition prints and her original paintings. As her work progresses, she plans to create themed editions that will run as collections. See more of Linda’s work via her website at https://www.ldm-art.com/  


Paul Johnstone 

Double Register by Paul Johnstone and Vitor Azevedo. 

Deda will be presenting the work of two prolific Derby based painters, Banks Mill member Paul Johnstone and University of Derby graduate Vitor Azevedo. Double Register showcases a selection of works by both artists exploring a combined love of colour, texture and the expressive power of abstraction. The exhibition is free to attend and will run from 18th May – 10th August 2024. For more information visit https://www.deda.uk.com/whats-on/living-in-two-worlds-by-paul-johnstone-and-vitor-azevedo  



Lucy Mills - Freckle Creative

Lucy is excited to offer a new class 'Hand stitching for Teens', starting from the 15th May with a maximum of 4 students per class. For more information or to enquire about a booking visit www.frecklecreative.org


  • Dawn Wesselby won the Student Residency in 2022. She has developed her artistic potential with the support availabl… https://t.co/QjdVIzaXf5 1 year 7 months ago