fbpx Lucy Mills - Break the Silence Exhibition | Banks Mill Studios

Lucy Mills - Break the Silence Exhibition

Thu, 28/11/2024 - 13:41

"Break the Silence to End the Violence" addresses the urgent issue of gender-based violence (GBV), a pervasive obstacle to gender equality and a critical human rights challenge across Europe. This exhibition, supported by The Starving Artist and the Young European Movement (YEM), features over 25 artists from 15 different countries and seeks to amplify awareness and drive change through visual storytelling, data, and lived experiences, offering a powerful platform to highlight the range of abuses faced by individuals, particularly women, in today’s society—from physical and psychological violence to financial control and cyber abuse. Despite progress, GBV remains entrenched; in the UK, for instance, one woman is killed every three days. 

Banks Mill tenant Lucy Mills successfully submitted a textile work for this powerful exhibition titled “Ni una mas/Not one more”. The piece addresses the femicide of women in the Mexican city of Juarez (on the border of USA), thousands have been disappeared, raped, murdered and their bodies dumped in the surrounding desert area since the 1990s.  The majority of cases are never investigated by the authorities due to the victims being poor, young women who've moved to the city from rural Mexico. 

The collection of works chosen for this exhibition can be viewed in their online gallery here; break the silence - The Starving Artist  

A book will also be published, featuring the artist's work and inspiration behind each piece. Lucy hopes to be able to stock copies of the book in local shop ThriveMind Village in Derby city centre, in the meantime you can purchase a copy here; Break the Silence to End the Violence by The Starving Artist | Blurb Books UK   


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