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New Tenant - Flint & Gaia

Tue, 27/08/2024 - 11:54

Tell us about your business, who are Flint & Gaia? 

 We create wheel thrown, hand illustrated pottery inspired by nature and spirituality. We also sell crystals, jewellery, mandala illustrations and more. Flint and Gaia will also be offering Pottery Throwing Lessons, mindful clay workshops as well as group bookings for special occasions such as hen parties, birthdays etc.  

What University did you study at? 

I went to Nottingham Trent University and studied Decorative Arts. 

What’s the story behind you and your business, what inspired you and helped you to get to where you are today? 

My passion for pottery started whilst at Nottingham Trent University, where I studied Decorative Arts. It was here where I had my first wheel throwing lesson which started my pottery career. From here I set up a home studio and was self-taught until I met Sean my Fiancé, the lead potter at a local company which we both worked. I soon became his apprentice, where I developed my pottery skills even further. 

I started Flint and Gaia to bring handmade pottery as well as pottery throwing lessons and workshops focusing on mindfulness. 

I want to spread the wellness properties of clay work to everyone. Clay has played a huge part in my mental health journey over the years, and I truly believe in its grounding and calming properties. 

What other work experience, support or training have you gained that’s relevant to what you’re doing now? 

I have completed a customer service specialist apprenticeship so believe the skills I learned from this can translate into my own business, bringing the best customer service I can. I also have a crystal healing diploma which comes in handy when selling my crystals and making clay crystal jewellery. 

What are you working on in the studio now? 

I’m currently working on trials for upcoming workshops! I’m experimenting with different ideas and techniques to bring to my customers. 

Tell us a bit about your work and techniques, how long can a piece take to complete? 

I like to work intuitively, so I don’t have much of a plan when I get working. I just let the clay take me where it wants to go. I wheel throw my vessels, whether that me mugs, vases or dishes. I then refine them ready to be handpainted.  

I usually design my illustrations digitally using ProCreate to get the design I want. I’m usually guided to a design by the shape of my pieces. Once designed, I hand transfer the image onto the piece using a needle tool, and then go over the designs with black and ivory clay slips. Once fired, I then glaze my work using sponges and a variety of different glazes, giving my pots a unique and cloudy glaze effect. 

How will being based at Banks Mill help your business? 

Banks Mill Studios gives me the space and time to explore my work further and gives a physical space for me to be able to host my workshops and lessons. Banks Mill is also a fantastic creative setting for my business as I'm surrounded by like-minded individuals. 

What are your plans for your business for the next 12 months? 

My plans for Flint and Gaia are to hit the ground running with my workshops and lessons. I’m hoping to announce my first workshop very soon. I want to expand my network and attend lots of different craft fairs and makers markets this year too. I look forward to seeing you all in a workshop or lessons very soon! 

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